
The internet is a genuinely dangerous place, however it has also become an increasingly important tool for learning and other research purposes, especially in light of recent lockdown events where schools have slowly migrated their teaching methods towards digital use. So how can you introduce a child to such a vast and dangerous place as well as ensuring their safety? Kiddle, originally launched in 2014, is a self proclaimed 'Safe visual search engine for kids'. We will be covering what Kiddle is, how it works and the safety measures it has in place.

Junior Safe Search

What is Kiddle?

First and foremost, Kiddle is a search engine, a search engine geared towards children. It works exactly the same way as a normal search engine would work with a few key differences that make it better suitable for child use. The first of which is the processing that all sites go through before they are recommended to a user. All search results that come from Kiddle have all been filtered by SafeSearch, a feature that automatically blocks explicit and potentially harmful sites to your child. Kiddle also uses a tool called 'Google Programmable Search Engine'. This is a tool that allows the editors of Kiddle to further customise search results. Kiddle tends to recommend sites that have been handpicked and deemed safe and appropriate by their editors. As they put it, 'Safe sites and pages written specifically for kids' are typically the first 3 results, 'Safe, trusted sites that are not written specifically for kids' are between 4-7, and 'Safe, famous sites that are written for adults' are about 8 onward.

All search results are also given pictures associated with the website (this is the 'Visual' part of Safe visual search engine) and titles and descriptions of search results are given in a large text font that make it easier for a child to read and navigate. To further show the focus of their search engine, Kiddle has opted for the .CO domain over the .COM domain that they say stands for "children only". We should add that a common misconception surrounding Kiddle is that it is owned by Google, it is not. Although it has a similar colour pattern to Google and uses Google tools, it is its own individual website and not affiliated with Google Inc.

Kiddle Encyclopedia

Kiddle also has an encyclopedia on their website called Kpedia. This encyclopedia has a list of articles covering general categories rewritten in an easier way to understand. Kiddle states that they are 'to help you research different topics for school homework help, homeschooling and general education'. Topics range from science and technology to philosophy and biographies.

Is Kiddle Safe to Use?

Kiddle is much safer than regular search engines however it isn't without its flaws. It is still possible that a website that might not be entirely appropriate might slip the system, however, to combat this, Kiddle gives the opportunity to report websites and keywords that can be blocked for future use. Kiddle has also received its own share of controversy. It had been discovered that Kiddle blocked keywords relating to LGBTQ+ and puberty which upset a lot of people online. Since backlash, Kiddle has now rescinded these blocks, but since then, people began to notice some inconsistencies in their search engine. For example, showing search results for the R rated film 'fifty shades of gray'.

Another fatal flaw is their inability to protect their users once they have left their search engine. Kiddle says they are "committed to protecting your privacy while providing you with quality search experience'. Yes, they don't collect "personally identifiable information" on you and yes, they don"t require an account to use, however they do track searches and page visits that they share with their partners and use to create targeted ads. And once a user has left the Kiddle site, they are no longer protected by their same privacy rules (as every website is different). These ads may take a user all across the internet and begin exposing them to danger.


Kiddle is much safer than allowing your child to free roam the internet. It filters many sites and many keywords, a lot of the sites are hand picked by editors or trusted people, and the site is generally easy to read and navigate, though it is also ultimately up to the guardian/caregivers to also teach and protect their child. Kiddle is not almighty, it should be used knowing its flaws and therefore best knowing how to avoid danger. You might want to teach your child to avoid ads and to never share personal information. Especially with younger children, it is also important to monitor your child's activity and ensure they are properly utilising the wonderful tools they have available for them.

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